Brian David Mitchell Kidnaps 14-year-old Girl
Brian David Mitchell was a mainstream Mormon who discovered and embraced Mormon fundamentalism, including polygamy. He believed himself to be the “One Mighty and Strong” who would “set in order the house of God”.
He began to call himself Immanuel and recording revelations, the first of which required him to obtain 7 more wives. He and his wife Wanda Barzee kidnapped a 14-year-old girl from her bedroom in the middle of the night and forced her into a polygamous marriage in a bizarre ceremony in the woods behind her house. Mitchell’s victim was a young child unable to escape Mitchell’s patriarchal dominance, knowledge of the scriptures, physical and psychological abuse. Due to this abuse, his victim felt like a “chewed up piece of gum”.
Mitchell was able to walk around with his victim in public without anyone stopping him. In one instance, his victim was cloaked next to him and Mitchell used religious freedom as a basis to avoid further questioning by a law enforcement officer. Mitchell claimed to be “the Lord’s servant and was doing the Lord’s work.” According to the girl he kidnapped, Mitchell “used religion to get what he wanted, had an excuse for everything he did with a religious side.”
Mitchell attempted to gain other wives, both voluntarily and involuntarily through kidnapping. Fortunately, his only known kidnapping victim was reunited with her family. Mitchell and Barzee were convicted and imprisoned for their crimes.