Hiram Page and his Seer Stone
In September 1830, Hiram Page unearthed a black stone, which he then began using as a seer stone to receive revelations for the Church of Christ. Page “looked at [the stone]. It contained a sentence on paper to befit it. As soon as he wrote one sentence, another sentence came on the stone, until he wrote 16 pages.” Oliver Cowdery and the Whitmer family believed that the revelations received from the stone (probably about church government and the location of Zion) were direct communications from God. These revelations challenged Joseph Smith’s exclusive authority. Troubled, Smith prayed and received revelation regarding this stone, now canonized as Doctrine and Covenants Section 28. Smith declared the stone to be an actual, supernatural seer stone that was consecrated for use by the devil and any revelations received from it were given by the devil. Page was convinced to destroy both the stone and the revelations. The stone was ground to powder and all the revelations burned.
The events of this story established the doctrine that only the Prophet could receive revelations for the whole church, and that any communication from God out of harmony with the prophets was from the Deceiver. From this point onward Joseph Smith secured his place as the sole revelator for the entire church.
Learn More:
Wikipedia – Hiram Page
LDS.org – Ian S. Ardern, “A Time to Prepare” Oct. 2011 LDS General Conference, quoting Provo Utah Central Stake general minutes, Apr. 6, 1856, vol. 10 (1855–60), Church History Library, Salt Lake City, 273.
LDS.org – Doctrine and Covenants Section 28
LDS.org – Tho Shalt Not Command Him Who Is at Thy Head
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